Monday, August 19, 2013

Video Link
This is the link to the same YouTube video below.  The video below should work now.  I do not know how or why my video was set to private, but I appreciate everyone making me aware of the issue.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Video Presentation

Any feedback is appreciated and strongly encouraged. Thank you!

Annotated Bibliography
El Emary, I. M., & Hussein, K. Q. (2012). Analyzing the various aspects of e-learning modules     for the hearing impaired students. International Journal Of Academic Research, 4(3),         122-130.  Accession: 80224226
This article discusses how many hearing impaired students are already lacking basic skills when they enter college.  Therefore, they are turning to online learning as a preferred method of learning.  This article mentions the various learning methods and how they are either beneficial or not to a deaf student.  It does provide a great outline of strategies that can be used for the various levels of hearing impaired students.  It discusses why it is important to ensure the instructional outcomes are meaningful to hearing impaired students.  However, I think that is important for ALL students.  There were a few points that were useful to my purpose in this article, but a lot of the article was written in a way which confused me. 

Lazar, J., & Jaeger, P. (2011). Reducing barriers to online access for people with disabilities.         Issues In Science & Technology, 27(2), 68-82.  Accession: 57458148
This was a very interesting article about instructors of online courses are not taking full advantage of all the technological resources surrounding them.  It did not go into great depth about hearing impaired learners, but what it did provide was useful.  It mentions the barriers that students with disabilities face, along with corresponding technologies to help remove them.  I found it useful to read about the role the government plays, or should I say does not play in assisting learners with disabilities in online learning.  It mentions how everyone is pushing all types of technologies, but no one is taking into consideration the variety of users and why they would use it.  While this article does seem bias, I still found it to be reliable and contain many reputable sources.

Luetke, B. (2009). Evaluating deaf education web-based course work.  American Annals of the    Deaf, 154(1), 62-70.  Accession: 41687220
This study was interesting and thought provoking because it provides first hand information on how deaf students view online courses.  It provided a better understanding for instructors about the problems students faced in traditional classes, and why they chose online learning.  I found it interesting to read that hearing impaired students face many of the same problems other students face.  This article goes into great detail with suggestions, provided by deaf students, of ways to encourage interaction and a sense of belonging.  I do not feel this article was bias because it gave hearing impaired students a voice to speak up about creating online learning courses that are more accessible. 

Smith, C. & Allman, T. (2011). Meeting the challenges of deaf education teacher preparation:
            Innovative practices in online learning.  MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and
            Teaching, 6(2).  Retrieved from,
This article does an excellent job focusing on the role of instructors in online learning for hearing impaired students.  Many of these strategies should be taken by all instructors and applied to any online learning environment regardless of a hearing impairment or not.  It even takes into consideration the various levels of instructors and universities when discussing tools, resources, and training ideas.  I found this article was effective in noting changes deaf students experience between face-to-face and online classes, and how they adapt to changes and barriers. 

Tandy, C., & Meacham, M. (2009). Removing the barriers for students with disabilities:    Accessible online and web-enhanced courses. Journal of Teaching In Social Work,             29(3), 313-328. doi:10.1080/08841230903022118
This article focuses on how instructors need to arrange an online class where the disabilities of students will be invisible.  It goes on to discuss the different types of barriers that become present for hearing impaired students, and strategies with how to avoid them.  First and second generation strategies to assist the online learners and instructors overall are explained more in depth.  This article does a great job explaining the critical role using the correct technological innovation plays in online learning.  The article provided non-bias information with numerous ways to use familiar technology to assist hearing impaired students through online learning.
Vasquez III, E., & Serianni, B. A. (2012). Research and practice in distance education for K-12   students with disabilities. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 31(4), 33-42.
            Accession: 85007112
This article outlines the benefits of online learning for students with disabilities compared to a traditional face-to-face class.  It does not focus on one specific disability, but rather provides a broad range of ideas for all disabilities.  There are many results from previous studies that are included in this article.  These results were very helpful to use to strengthen and back up statements that were made regarding skills among students with disabilities in education.  I wish they would have gone into more detail after making a statement about how the performance of students with disabilities is affected by online content. However, the article is strong in addressing the role instructor’s play, and what they need to do to remain effective in online learning.   

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Module 5 - Moving Towards Dynamic Technologies

I believe I am in the middle of the static and dynamic continuum, but definitely moving closer to the dynamic end.  Throughout my educational life I relied on PowerPoint’s, print materials, web pages, and DVD clips to gain content knowledge.  These static technologies do not help learners build their own knowledge, but only allow them to access information (Moller, 2008, para. 2).  BlackBoard discussion areas were used as a way for students and instructors to communicate questions and concerns, or it was not used at all.  In order for small groups to collaborate we had to log into a chat room, which for some reason gave many people problems.  Even if students and teachers are using technology in the teaching and learning process, it does not mean they are implementing it effectively.  

Dynamic technology allows the learner to explore, think, analyze, create, and experiment on a much higher and engaged cognitive level of learning (Moller, 2008, para. 6).  I am becoming more familiar with using Google Docs, simulations, web conferencing, podcasts, blogs, etc.  It is interesting to see how something that was used only one way is now being used differently, or in more ways than one to offer new benefits.  This course through Walden University has made me re-think the means of Wikis and blogging.  For example, I have now created/used blogs and Wikis to communicate and collaborate within small groups or the entire class.  The middle of the continuum has learners using Wikis, blogs, and discussion boards to interact with content, and analyze the opinions and ideas of others (Moller, 2008, para. 3).   

I know I still rely heavily on the use of static media within my classroom as a teacher, and for students to use as a means of learning.  As I continue to move toward the dynamic end of the continuum, I must remember it is okay to step outside of my comfort zone and embrace the new technologies that are evolving.  Both teachers and learners should take risks because the exploration creates learning through the encouragement of them trying to figure it out (Moller, 2008, para. 6).  I should allow my students to take a more active role in their learning, and technology is making it easier to meet the needs of all students.  Dynamic technologies are allowing students and teachers to communicate and collaborate easier, and in real-time.  Teachers, like me, have to change the way we teach because we are constantly learning when technology is effectively combined in the learning process the student is engaged, and information is being retained. 


Moller, L. (2008). Static and dynamic technological tools. [Unpublished Paper].

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Module 4 - Communication, Collaboration, and Content

            There are many technological innovations available today that can be used for multiple purposes.  Instructors and students need to begin viewing the technology we already use as a learning tool, and asking how it can be integrated into distance education.  While some tools and strategies are more popular than others, it truly depends on using what will meet the student’s needs.  Within my graphic organizer I highlighted the well known tools and strategies that I have been using and found to be effective.  Distance education can be as successful as face to face learning when the technologies are appropriate for the instructional tasks (Durrington, Berryhill, & Swafford, 2006, p. 190).  It is vital to be able to effectively communicate, collaborate, and gain content knowledge through online learning.
            Collaboration and communication are critical between peers and instructors for online learning to be successful and meaningful.  There needs to be a sense of team building along with a way for students to share ideas and take more responsibility in their learning.  In order for open communication to occur there must be a sense of trust and respect established between users (Durrington, Berryhill, & Swafford, 2006, p. 191).  Google Docs allows students within a class or group to upload files, make edits, access documents, and collaborate online.  Wikispaces are used to promote asynchronous collaboration and communication among users.  Wall Wisher is excellent for sharing ideas and brainstorming.  It can be accessed from anywhere and be used simultaneously by multiple users.  According to Palloff and Pratt (2007), bogs allow students to reflect and comment on students work as a means of collaboration (p. 182).  Skype can be used to participate in online webinars, sharing, and real time learning.  Virtual chatrooms, social networks, and discussion boards are other ways students can engage with each other. 
            Podcasts, videos, PowerPoint, and databases assist with the delivery of content knowledge.  Podcasting can deliver voice content on demand, which increases the learners control over when they access it and how often (Palloff & Pratt, 2007, p. 90).  It is important for students to be able to access content at their leisure and in a variety of ways to meet their needs.  Videos are appealing to both auditory and visual learners, but databases would be strictly for those who learn best by reading. PowerPoint is a great way to meet all of the learning needs without the information feeling overwhelming.
            Blackboard is a resource that provides learners and instructors with a place to communicate, collaborate, and provide content.  Every online course I have taken has been through Blackboard.  It is a well known interactive tool that allows for both asynchronous and synchronous learning to occur.  “Asynchronous allows for students to access online materials anytime and synchronous learning promotes real-time interaction between students and instructors” (Ally, 2008, p. 17).  Problem-based learning (PBL) requires users to communicate and collaborate shared content over an online environment.  PBL can be tough in an online course, but promotes student interactivity, problem-solving skills, and meaningful learning of content (Durrington, Berryhill, & Swafford, 2006, p. 192).  It would require them to participate in discussions and share a variety of information across many platforms. 
            Online learning depends on technology to function and provide an overall quality education.  Technology tools must be used to their full potential to keep the learner engaged and to support online education.  We must begin to look at future trends in technology and view the already “common” technology in a different manner.  The entire course needs to function around the different users to ensure they are effectively collaborating, communicating, and receiving course content.


Ally, M. (2008). Foundations of educational theory for online learning. In T. Anderson (Ed.), The theory and practice of online learning (2nd ed., pp. 15-44). Edmonton, AB: Athabasca University Press.
Durrington, V. A., Berryhill, A., & Swafford, J. (2006). Strategies for enhancing student interactivity in an online environment. College Teaching, 54(1), 190−193
Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2007). Building online learning communities: Effective strategies for   
            the virtual classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.